Latest News and Updates

2024 Developments and Projects

Update 1. Brand X Reviews:

Our two projects ‘Brand X Reviews’ and ‘The Gramophone Mind’ have merged.

You can see more about this here.


Update 2. Our ‘Culture War News’ headlines have a new home – On X:

As of February 2024, we have moved our headlines over to X. To see recent stories, including Woke Supremacy, Mass Formation Psychosis, Big Brother and other Mind Virus news, please see our page on X by clicking here or the banner below.


Update 3. UK Based political action:

We firmly support Reform UK (The Brexit Party). See our link here or below and consider joining and/or supporting.

More information and updates to follow. Follow us on X.


Our operation is primaily based in Skipton, in North Yorkshire, UK, with a small team of contributors spread out across the globe. If you wish to contact us, you can do so via our main menu.

DISCLAIMER: We aggregate and share data and news articles from a multitude of online sources. Some will be categorised as left-wing such as the UK Guardian. Some will be deemed right-wing such as the UK Daily Mail.

Left/right, two sides of the same coin, but either way we do not endorse the viewpoints of these outlets unless specifically stated otherwise.

Please use your own judgement when following these links, mainstream media or otherwise.


“To exchange one orthodoxy for another is not necessarily an advance. The enemy is the gramophone mind, whether or not one agrees with the record that is being played at the moment.” – Excerpt from ‘The Freedom of the Press’, by George Orwell (1945).